Wednesday 17 December 2008

Read book - Japanese Horror Cinema
Published by Edinburgh University Press IN 2005
ISBN 9780748619955
After learning that the film "Ringu" was an adaption of a horror novel by Koji Suzuki, I searched his name on google and found an online interview.

Found article entitled "Too Many Horror Remakes" by Merlin Harries after typing "post vietnamese horror remakes" into google and clicked on the first link.

Found another article after typing in "horror remakes" into google entitled

Horrors! Attack of the remakes

by Jay A. Fern

Tuesday 2 December 2008

Today I collected my results from a short questionnaire I posted on various message boards. The message boards I posted on were American remakes of Japanese films on I used these message boards because the people with imdb accounts are usually avid film fans. The people would also be interested in Japanese remakes because the posts would be on specific films message boards (The Ring, The Grudge, Silent Hill and The Eye).

I also collected in the results from 10 questionnaires I gave to people in my college to get the views of the average Western peoples views of Japanese cinema.

I then analysed the results by writing up an evaluation of the results. Since the questionnaire was mostly people's opinions, i included the revelavant points in the evaluation.